European school of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM)
Chimie moléculaire, UMR 7509,
25, rue Becquerel
F-67087 Strasbourg CEDEX 2
Telephone : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
E-mail :
European school of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM)
Chimie moléculaire, UMR 7509,
25, rue Becquerel
F-67087 Strasbourg CEDEX 2
Telephone : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
E-mail :
Laboratoire de Chimie Bioorganique et MédicinaleBuilding R5 Level N1
European school of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM)
25, rue Becquerel
F-67087 Strasbourg CEDEX 2
Pedestrian and vehicle entrance : 23, rue du Loess 67200 Strasbourg – Cronenbourg
Pedestrians with access card : 25, rue Becquerel 67200 Strasbourg – Cronenbourg
GPS coordinates: 48.603985,7.710937
From the railway station (15 min)
Take bus G (in front of the station) towards Espace Européen de l’Entreprise and alight at stop Arago.Before 10h30 or after 17h30 enter the CNRS campus at 25, rue Becquerel then turn right.
ECPM is at the end of the alley, on your left, after the Charles Sadron Institute.
Between 10h30 and 17h30, turn around the campus by your left and enter at 23, rue du Loess.
Cross the campus according to the map (10 min longer journey).
From airport "Strasbourg – Entzheim" (25 min)
Take the airport shuttle train Aéroport – Strasbourg Gare (9 min)From the train station take bus G (in front of the station) towards Espace Européen de l’Entreprise and alight
at stop Arago.
Before 10h30 or after 17h30 enter the CNRS campus at 25, rue Becquerel then turn right.
ECPM is at the end of the alley, on your left, after the Charles Sadron Institute.
Between 10h30 and 17h30, turn around the campus by your left and enter at 23, rue du Loess.
Cross the campus according to the map (10 min longer journey).
By car
GPS coordinates: 48.603985,7.710937A35 Highway, enter into Strasbourg
Exit at the junction number 1 (WACKEN, CRONENBOURG, PLACE DES HALLES) and carry on the
Rue du Marché Gare [640 m]
Turn right on the Route de Mittelhausbergen (D31) [1.86 km]
Turn right on the Rue du Champ de Manœuvre [280 m]
Turn left on the Place de Haldenbourg [110 m]
Carry on the Rue du Loess [47 m]
23, Rue du Loess Strasbourg, Alsace (67200, France)
Walk across the Campus and follow direction signs to the School.