2015: ic-FRC: project "Computer-Aided Design of Novel Antimalarial Naphthoquinones", acronym: CAD-NQ. PI: Pr. Alexandre Varnek, Laboratoire de chemoinformatique, UMR 7177, CNRS-UdS, Co-PI: Dr Elisabeth Davioud-Charvet, UMR 7509, CNRS-UdS.
2015-2018: CLARIANT: funding from the company CLARIANT (Switzerland) "Study of the reaction mechanism involved in the barrier effect to oxygen from some polymers additives".
2013: PHC CMEP TASSILI (13MDU890): funding for operations and mobility between France and Algeria "Chelating and antioxidant properties of polyphenols from diet: effect on human health". Partner: Dr. Nassima Mokhtari, Physiology, Physiopathology and Biochemistry of nutrition, Abou Bekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen, Algeria.
2013: CLARIANT: funding from the company CLARIANT (Switzerland) "Study of the reaction mechanism involved in the barrier effect to oxygen from some polymers additives".
2012: LABEX (Laboratory of Excellence): Investments for the Future, project "French alliance against parasitic diseases", acronym: ParaFrap.
2012: ic-FRC: project "Understanding the mechanisms of antimalarial redox-active substrates in Plasmodium-infected red blood cells: a combined physico-chemical and computational approach to unveiling biological complexity". Partner: Pr. Alexandre Varnek, Laboratoire de chemoinformatique, UMR 7177, CNRS-UdS.
2012: ic-FRC: project "Innovative environmental sensitive dyes for monitoring pH and redox changes found in human pathogen malarial parasites", acronym: ESDyes. Partner: Dr. Raymond Ziessel, LMSPC, UMR 7515, CNRS-UdS-ECPM.
2012: REALISE: funding for operations in physicochemistry. Partner: Dr. Valérie Geoffroy, Bacterial Membrane Transport team, IREBS, UMR 7242, CNRS-UdS.
2011: Franco-German University (UFA): funding for mobility between France and Germany for a co-supervised PhD student.
2010: ANR emergence: specific funding for valuation of antimalarial and antischistosomal drugs “Redox-active 1,4-naphthoquinones to kill malarial parasites”; acronym: SCHISMAL. Partner: Dr. Sylvie Cantet, France Innovation Scientifique et Transfert (FIST SA). Project in antiparasitic medicinal chemistry.
Past Fundings
2011-2012: REALISE: funding for equipments in physicochemistry.
2010-2012: ic-FRC and UdS: funding for transnational project “Redox-active 1,4-naphthoquinones to kill malarial parasites”, acronym: BONARIA, project in basic biochemistry.
2008-2011: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Renewed Grant: B14 project "Design and synthesis of mechanism-based inhibitors of disulfide reductases as new antiparasitic drug-candidates” of SFB 544 "Control of tropical infectious diseases".
2007-2011: NIH Program (1R01AI065622-01A2): “Redox balance and drug development in Schistosoma mansoni”.
2008-09: International Centre for Frontier Research in Chemistry (ic-FRC) and University of Strasbourg (UdS): Installation of high-level researchers.
2007-2008: PROCOPE: program to fund the exchanges between France and Germany “Synthesis and mechanism of antimalarial drugs that act by perturbing the redox equilibrium of Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes”.
2005-2008: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant: B14 project “Design and synthesis of mechanism-based inhibitors of disulfide reductases as new antiparasitic drug-candidates” of SFB 544 "Control of tropical infectious diseases".